Liturgical Ministry Information
(Call or email Laurie Tragni in the Liturgy Office for more information on any of these liturgical ministries at 281-286-7229 or [email protected])
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Altar servers assist the Priest and Deacon at Mass by carrying candles and, at special times, incense in the procession. Additionall,y they take charge of the Roman Missal and aid in the ritual purification of the Presider before the Eucharistic Prayer. Altar servers assist in various other ways for Sunday, Seasonal and special liturgical celebrations.
Children and youth in third grade and older may become altar servers. In order to become an altar server, boys and girls must be baptized and have received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Call Bob and Val at 281-488-8773 for more information.
“In the welcoming spirit of our beloved patroness, St. Clare…” This phrase, taken from our Parish mission statement, emphasizes the importance of the role of Ministers of Hospitality, those who have answered the call to welcome and help care for all who gather for worship.
Our Ministers of Hospitality greet worshippers as they enter the church, help those with special needs, select family/individuals to present the Eucharistic Gifts of bread and wine, collect offertory, hand out bulletins and/or worship aids, and tidy up the church after Mass. In other words, they go out of their way to welcome everyone and see to their needs — the mission of Christ.
Youth and adults are invited to join this ministry, with high school youth and adults serving independently, while youth in grades sixth-eighth are asked to serve with an adult family member.
Christ crucified is one of the most recognizable symbols in our world. All of the processions at St. Clare are led by the Processional Cross. Our Cross Bearers literally “Lift High the Cross,” leading the ministers with this sacred symbol.
Because of the weight of our Processional Cross, this ministry is reserved for eighth grade youth through adults.
“In every celebration of the Eucharist there should be a sufficient number of ministers for Holy Communion so that it can be distributed in an orderly and reverent manner” (Norms for the Distribution of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds no. 27).
Bishops, Priests and Deacons are the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. When the size of the congregation requires it, they may be assisted by some of the faithful who have been commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who help distribute Communion, purify the vessels after Mass and set up for the following Mass. Because of the reverence due our Lord’s Body and Blood, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must have a deep understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, must be high school seniors or adults, confirmed in the Catholic faith, have no impediments to receiving the Sacraments*, attend training sessions and be registered with the Archdiocese once training is complete.
*Contact the St. Clare Liturgy Office for a copy of the guidelines.
As the Second Vatican Council, Constitution on Sacred Liturgy (7, 33) states, “He is present in his Word, since it is he himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the church.”
Ministers of the Word, more commonly referred to as Lectors, are called to proclaim Holy Scripture in the celebration of Sunday Eucharist and at other parish liturgies. Lectors bring the Word to life through the human voice, removing it from the page, and enabling it to live anew. The power of the Word is made manifest when the Word is proclaimed in faith, and with joyful dignity and intensity.
The Ministry of the Word is open to high school youth involved in the parish faith formation program, and registered adults who are actively receiving the sacraments and have a love for sacred scripture. All new candidates to this ministry at St. Clare must attend an evening of training.
In his 1987 Pastoral Letter, Sunday the Original Feast Day, Archbishop Fiorenza stated, “When the environment for worship is thoughtfully designed to reflect the liturgical season or feast…the people of God are drawn into the mystery of Christ which is being celebrated.” Our Art & Environment Team needs artists, designers, those who work with plants and flowers, and those who can help with the heavy work in order to prepare the worship space for different seasons and feasts. This committee meets several times a year in order to plan and carry out their ministry.
Helping to care for God’s creation by stopping by the Church once or twice a week to water and, if needed, trim the plants in the Church. Keeping our flowers and plants in good shape helps us to maintain a beautiful, prayerful environment.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” could be the motto of this group of committed parishioners. Every Monday they gather for a couple of hours to perform a light cleaning of liturgical items and a general straightening of the church. Additionally, they help monitor flower arrangements, etc. They maintain the inside of the Church so that it is always conducive to prayer.
The sacred linens used at Mass are carefully cleaned, pressed and made ready for the next weekend’s Liturgies. Used linens are retrieved after the weekend and returned to the Church clean, pressed and properly folded for the next weekend. Training and instructions are given for the correct procedure in handling the linens.
Some elements of Sunday Mass remain the same each week. Others call for choices or composition. The prayers, intercessions and blessings for weekend Masses are chosen or crafted by our Liturgy Preparation Teams. Taking into consideration the Season and/or Feast, the Scriptures and the Focus statement of the day, these groups prayerfully make decisions on the parts of the Liturgy that call for it. Meeting times are set by each team.